Processing of personal data (in short)

Data protection is a fundamental principle in the production of statistics, by which to ensure the availability of reliable basic data and the confidence of data suppliers.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been a part of the legislation in Åland since May 25th, 2018. The GDPR is intended to protect the fundamental rights of individuals, in particular their right to the protection and control of their personal data.

For Statistics and Research Åland (ÅSUB), the GDPR entails extensive requirements on the processing of and information about personal data. All processing of your personal data by ÅSUB is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

ÅSUB is the controller of personal data that is processed by ÅSUB. The institute can also be the processor of personal data in the production of statistics on behalf of another authority producing official statistics.
ÅSUB’s address is Ålandsvägen 26, AX-22100 Mariehamn.

Under the GDPR, personal data means any information that relates to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable living natural person. Typical personal data include personal identity numbers, names and addresses. Personal data that have been de-identified (pseudonymised) are still personal data within the scope of the GDPR if they, by means of additional information, can be referred to a natural person.

Processing of personal data refers to, in principle, any operation performed on personal data, such as collecting, registering, storing or coordinating data.

ÅSUB processes your personal data in the production and further development of statistics and for certain research purposes, where the aim of the processing is clearly specified when collecting the data. In statistics and research results, only aggregated data are published, for example in summaries, tables and figures where it is not possible to identify individuals or individual companies.

Purpose and legal basis for processing your personal data

ÅSUB mainly processes personal data to fulfill their legal obligations. The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, which is the legal basis for the processing (art. 6.1.e GDPR).

Who can access your personal data?

 The underlying principle is that your personal data is processed only by ÅSUB. According to the Statistics Act, ÅSUB has the right to deliver classified personal data for statistical purposes to other statistical authorities, such as the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Statistics Finland. Your personal data may also be shared with operators who process personal data on behalf of ÅSUB in their capacity as official processors of personal data, for example the IT-supplier of ÅSUB, Åda Ab (

Data collected for statistical purposes may, after thorough review, be disclosed for scientific studies. Data will only be shared in a way where it is not possible to directly identify an individual.

Confidential data can never be released for use in administrative decision-making, surveillance or other similar purposes.

Transfer of personal data to a third country

ÅSUB only processes your personal data within the EU / EEA.

For how long do we keep your personal data?

ÅSUB will not process your personal data for longer than permitted by applicable law or regulation.

Your rights

ÅSUB ensures that your rights related to the processing of your personal data are protected. ÅSUB is a governmental authority whose operations are based on the law. When ÅSUB processes your personal data, you may have the following rights:

  • right to access your personal data,
  • right to correct and
  • right to object to the processing of your personal data.

You have the right to have your information deleted or transferred only if the processing of your personal data is based on your explicit consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, in general the processing of personal data at ÅSUB is based on a legal obligation.

ÅSUB does not process personal data for automated decision-making.

Right to correct

If you wish to correct your personal data, please send a request to


You have the right to appeal to supervision authorities (Datainspektionen Åland) if you have doubts about the lawfulness of the processing of your data. Contact information is available at


Statistiklagen för Åland (ÅFS 1994/42) 
EU:s allmänna dataskyddsförordning (GDPR) 2016/679 
Landskapslag (2019:9) om dataskydd inom landskaps- och kommunalförvaltningen 

EU:s statistikförordning (nr 223/2009) 

Offentlighetslag (2021:79) för Åland


Contact ÅSUB by e-mail:
Telephone: +358 18 25490

You may also contact the Data Protection Officer at ÅSUB:

Telephone: +358 18 25199