UN indicators for sustainable development
Åland and the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Agenda 2030, an action program for sustainable development and objectives for sustainable development in 2016-2030, was adopted by the UN member states in 2015. Agenda 2030 includes 17 global goals for sustainable development and 169 targets. The aim is to achieve a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development worldwide by 2030. The implementation of the objectives in Agenda 2030 is followed up by a number of indicators for sustainable development and all member states are committed to producing national data based on these global UN indicators.
On this page, ÅSUB will present those indicators for the 17 global goals for sustainable development for which we currently have available data for Åland. The UN Agenda 2030 with 17 global goals for sustainable development includes no less than 232 indicators. As some of the indicators are to be reported by gender, age etc, the total number of indicators exceeds 400. The indicators have been developed in accordance with the UN method descriptions (see further information at the bottom of the page). In some instances, it has not been possible to strictly follow the methodology, in which cases information about the deviations have been submitted in the footnotes. It is important to consider that regarding the small community of Åland, sporadic observations may produce excessive impact in the indicators. At the moment, data on Åland are not available for all the global indicators. ÅSUB continues to supplement the data by exploring new data sources for Åland.
Indicators for the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- 1.1.1 --- Population below the international poverty line, %
1.1.1 Table 1.1.1 Graph
- 2.4.1 --- Proportion of agricultural area under ecological agriculture, %
2.4.1 Table 2.4.1 Graph
- 3.1.1 --- Maternal mortality ratio
3.1.1 Table 3.1.1 Graph - 3.2.1 --- Under-five mortality rate
3.2.1 Table 3.2.1 Graph - 3.3.1 --- Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 population
3.3.1 Table 3.3.1 Graph - 3.3.2 --- Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 population
3.3.2 Table 3.3.2 Graph - 3.4.1.a --- Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease; Total
3.4.1.a Table 3.4.1.a Graph - 3.4.1.b --- Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease; Men
3.4.1.b Table 3.4.1.b Graph - 3.4.1.c --- Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease; Women
3.4.1.c Table 3.4.1.c Graph - 3.4.2.a --- Suicide mortality rate; Total
3.4.2.a Table 3.4.2.a Graph - 3.4.2.b --- Suicide mortality rate; Men
3.4.2.b Table 3.4.2 Graph - 3.4.2.c --- Suicide mortality rate; Women
3.4.2.c Table 3.4.2.c Graph - 3.6.1 --- Death rate due to road traffic injuries
3.6.1 Table 3.6.1 Graph - 3.7.2.a --- Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women; Aged 10-14 years
3.7.2.a Table 3.7.2.a Graph - 3.7.2.b --- Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women; Aged 15-19 years
3.7.2.b Table 3.7.2.b Graph
- 4.2.2 --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age)
4.2.2 Table 4.2.2 Graph - 4.a.1.a --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (a) electricity
4.a.1.a Table 4.a.1.a Graph - 4.a.1.b --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (b) the Internet for pedagogical purposes
4.a.1.b Table 4.a.1.b Graph - 4.a.1.c --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (c) computers for pedagogical purposes
4.a.1.c Table 4.a.1.c Graph - 4.a.1.d --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (d) adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities
4.a.1.d Table 4.a.1.d Graph - 4.a.1.e --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (e) basic drinking water
4.a.1.e Table 4.a.1.e Graph - 4.a.1.f --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (f) single-sex basic sanitation facilities
4.a.1.f Table 4.a.1.f Graph - 4.a.1.g --- Proportion of schools with access to, %; (g) basic handwashing facilities
4.a.1.g Table 4.a.1.g Graph - 4.c.1.bc --- Teachers who have received at least the minimum teacher training required at primary education/lower secondary education level, %
4.c.1.bc Table 4.c.1.bc Graph - 4.c.1.d --- Teachers who have received at least the minimum teacher training required at upper secondary education level, %
4.c.1.d Table 4.c.1.d Graph
- 5.5.1.a --- Proportion of seats held by women in, %; (a) national parliament
5.5.1.a Table 5.5.1.a Graph - 5.5.1.b --- Proportion of seats held by women in, %; (b) local government
5.5.1.b Table 5.5.1.b Graph - 5.5.2.a --- Proportion of women in managerial positions, %
5.5.2.a Table 5.5.2.a Graph - 5.5.2.b --- Proportion of women in senior and middle management positions (%)
5.5.2.b Table 5.5.2.b Graph - 5.6.2 --- Countries which guarantee equal access to women and men (15+ years) to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education
5.6.2 Table 5.6.2 Graph
- 6.1.1 --- Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services, %
6.1.1 Table 6.1.1 Graph
- 7.1.1 --- Proportion of population with access to electricity, %
7.1.1 Table 7.1.1 Graph
- 8.1.1 --- Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita
8.1.1 Table 8.1.1 Graph - 8.2.1 --- Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
8.2.1 Table 8.2.1 Graph - 8.5.2.a --- Unemployment rate; Total
8.5.2.a Table 8.5.2.a Graph - 8.5.2.b --- Unemployment rate; Males
8.5.2.b Table 8.5.2.b Graph - 8.5.2.c --- Unemployment rate; Females
8.5.2.c Table 8.5.2.c Graph - 8.5.2.d --- Unemployment rate; 15-24 years
8.5.2.d Table 8.5.2.d Graph - 8.5.2.e --- Unemployment rate; 25-34 years
8.5.2.e Table 8.5.2.e Graph - 8.5.2.f --- Unemployment rate; 35-44 years
8.5.2.f Table 8.5.2.f Graph - 8.5.2.g --- Unemployment rate; 45-54 years
8.5.2.g Table 8.5.2.g Graph - 8.5.2.h --- Unemployment rate; 55-64 years
8.5.2.h Table 8.5.2.h Graph - 8.6.1 --- Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training, %
8.6.1 Table 8.6.1 Graph - 8.9.1.a --- Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP, %
8.9.1.a Table 8.9.1.a Graph - 8.9.1.b --- Tourism direct GDP, growth rate %
8.9.1.b Table 8.9.1.b Graph
- 9.1.1 --- Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road, %
9.1.1 Table 9.1.1 Graph - 9.1.2.f --- Air transport (domestic and international total), freight volume, tonnes
9.1.2.f Table 9.1.2.f Graph - 9.1.2.g --- Air transport (domestic and international), passengers
9.1.2.g Table 9.1.2.g Graph - 9.2.1.a --- Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP, %
9.2.1.a Table 9.2.1.a Graph - 9.2.1.b --- Manufacturing value added per capita, USD
9.2.1.b Table 9.2.1.b Graph - 9.2.2 --- Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment, %
9.2.2 Table 9.2.2 Graph - 9.4.1 --- CO2 emission per unit of value added, kilogram CO2/constant 2010 US dollars
9.4.1 Table 9.4.1 Graph
- 10.4.1 --- Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers, %
10.4.1 Table 10.4.1 Graph
- 12.6.1 --- Number of companies publishing sustainability reports
12.6.1 Table 12.6.1 Graph
- 14.5.1 --- Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas, %
14.5.1 Table 14.5.1 Graph
- 15.1.1 --- Forest area as a proportion of total land area, %
15.1.1 Table 15.1.1 Graph
- 16.1.1 --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population
16.1.1 Table 16.1.1 Graph - 16.10.1 --- Verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, media personnel, trade unionists and human rights advocates
16.10.1 Table 16.10.1 Graph
- 17.19.2.b --- Countries that have achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration
17.19.2.b Table 17.19.2.b Graph
The work with the indicators and their presentation is under continuous development. ÅSUB gratefully accepts comments and suggestions for improvements. For more information on the indicators and the methodology behind them, we recommend the UN website on Sustainable Development Goal indicators. The methodology of the indicators is presented in detail on the method descriptions page. In addition, there is a global database consisting of 391 indicators/data series, presented for 312 regions/countries for the years 2000 to 2019. Statistics Finland displays the UN Indicators for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) on their website. They show selected indicators in diagrams and tables and in their PxWeb database, the users can choose which indicators and years to study.