Åland FAQ

How many people live in Åland?

Åland had 30,541 residents as of December 31, 2023, comprised of 11,812 residents in Mariehamn, 16,683 in the country, and 2,046 in the archipelago.

How many islands does Åland have?

There are 6,757 islands with a size of at least 0.25 hectares. In addition, there are around 20,000 smaller islands and skerries.

How many tourists visit Åland?

2023 saw over 421,000 guest nights in Åland’s hotels, guest homes, campsites and holiday villages. Not included is the significant amount of stays in smaller facilities and private cottages.

How high is unemployment in Åland?

Relative unemployment rate normally sits at two-four per cent, but during the Covid-19-pandemic unemployment increased considerably. In 2020, the relative unemployment rate was 9.5 per cent. In 2024, it amounted to 4.6 per cent.

How dependent is Åland on shipping?

In 2021, shipping accounted for 10 per cent of Åland’s GDP. Just over 5 percent of all employed people on Åland worked in shipping at the end of 2021 (4.8 percent in 2020). 

What proportion of Åland’s population were born outside of Åland?

Over a third of the inhabitants were born outside of Åland. Most come from Finland and Sweden, but with time more are moving in from non-Nordic countries. Åland has migrants from more than 100 different countries.

How high is Åland’s voter turnout?

2023’s election saw a turnout of 68.3 percent. This is low from a Nordic perspective.

How many cars are there in Åland?

There are about 26,600 private cars, or 866 cars per 1,000 people. This gives Åland the highest car density in the Nordic countries.

How large is Åland’s GDP?

In 2021, the gross domestic product’s value in current market prices amounted to about 1.29 billion euros, which constitutes 34,300 euro/capita. In comparison to 2020, this translates to an increase of about 182 million euros.

Where do Ålanders study?

In the fall of 2023, Åland had almost 1,200 students at upper secondary level, along with over 400 students at the Åland University of Applied Sciences and about 40 students in Folk High School. Throughout 2023, there were almost 220 Ålanders studying at upper secondary level outside of Åland, as well as about 1,160 pursuing higher learning and about 70 receiving other education. Of those studying outside Åland, 58 per cent went to Sweden, 37 per cent to Finland, and the remaining 5 per cent in other countries.

How does the housing standard look in Åland?

There are about 17 200 dwellings in Åland. Almost 60 per cent of the dwellings are found in detached houses, 38 per cent in terraced houses and apartment buildings, Almost seven per cent of the households in Åland are overcrowded. The average housing area per person is 48 square metres. Two thirds of the residences were constructed in or after 1970. During the 21st century, almost 200 new residences have been built annually.

What does electricity supply look like in Åland?

Of the total electricity acquisition of 330 GWh in 2023, 41 per cent was imported from Sweden, 3 per cent from Finland and 56 per cent was produced on Åland stemming mainly from wind power.

What does the consumption of culture look like on Åland?

The statistics show, for example, that 361,000 loans occurred from the 16 municipal libraries in 2023. This translates to almost twelve loans per inhabitant. 40-60 books are published in Åland every year, of which 10-20 per cent are fiction. In 2023, over 218,000 visits were made to the eight bigger museums.

Is the archipelago being depopulated?

The six archipelago municipalities show a somewhat depleting population trend. The number of inhabitants in the 21st century has increased certain years and decreased other years. On average, the archipelago population in the period of 2000-2019 has decreased each year by 15 people, or 0.6 per cent. In 2023, the archipelago population increased by one person.